Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fried Maggi Goreng with Burger (Fried Instant Noodle with Mince Burger)

Instant Noodle!! You can't leave without them knowing how bad they are for our health.

This version is a courtesy of my friend Vivien who introduced me to this yummy version from one of the Mamak restaurant in Sri Hartamas. So I decided to make my own version as the Mamak's one is too oily for my taste.


2 packet of Maggie Goreng Indo Mie or Ibu Mie - What ever rocks your boat as long as it's called Mee Goreng Instant.
2 pieces of Ramlee Burger patties - Mashed
Diced Garlic
Diced Onion
2 Eggs
Oil for frying
Black Pepper


Boil the instant noodle as usual. Add all the condiments and set aside.

Heat up oil in a wok and fry the garlic and onions.
add the eggs and just stir fry for a while  
add the mashed burger patties and stir until cooked.
Add the Instant Noodle, Stir and serve.

Fried Sambal Sardin Fish

This is the dish taken from my Gramma. This is one of our family comfort food. Sardin fish is a staple food for our people in Sabah where i come from. Normally we eat the fried sardin fish with Bambangan. My gramma hates wasting food, so the balance of the fried sardin, she will make into this sambal. It's awesome to be eaten with white rice. I can just have this and white rice alone.


Sardin fish
bird eyes chillies (As much as you can tolerate)
Chopped shallots
Cooking Oil
1/2 packet of tamarind (Juice)


Fry the Sardin Fish - Remove the flest from the bones - mash by using mortar or blend. (Mashed is better)

Heat up 1 cup of oil in the wok ( Yes, this dish requires lots of oil)
fry the shallots and chillies
combine the mashed sardin flesh and cook for a while.
add in the tamarind juice and stir.

Make sure you keep on stirring and this dish do require ALOT of stirring.
add the salt to taste and sugar.

One can easily under cook and over cook this dish. The technique is, the moment the oil starts to bubble stop cooking and remove from the wok other wise it will burn. If you under cook it, it will not have the crispiness.

This dish takes practice.

Ayam Percik

I made this for buka puasa with my staffs and it's the easier version than the traditional ones without jeopardizing the taste.


Blended Ingredients:
8 Shallots
5 cloves of garlic
2 inches of ginger
3 inches of fresh turmeric
2 stalk of lemongrass
2 inch of galangal (Lengkuas)

Other Ingredients:

3 Table spoon of chilli paste (Cili Boh) or more if you like it spicy.
200 ml of thicken coconut milk
1 piece of assam keping
12 pieces of chicken drumstick.
salt & 2 teaspoon of chicken stock.


Marinate the blended item with the chicken overnight with a little bit of salt. When you are ready to cook it, pour the marinated chicken with the marinades then combine the coconut milk, the chilli paste and assam keping.

Switch on the fire and cook with medium fire. Cook until the sauce thickens. Add salt & chicken stock to taste. The chicken should be half cooked.

Separate the chicken from the sauce and  bake the chicken for 30 minutes at 180 C.

Once the chicken is baked, pour the remaining sauce on to the chicken and serve.

Cincaluk Chicken

So in love with this dish. Easy to make as long as you got the Cincaluk lying around.


Chicken cut to small pieces ( I used 6 drumstick cut small )
sliced cili padi (How much is up to your tolerance to the spiciness)
Kaffir Lime leaves
1/4 cup of tamarind juice
1/2 cup of Cincaluk
oil for stir frying
Salt to taste ( Be wary, the cincaluk is already salty so use sparsely and to taste)

Blended ingredients:
8 Shallots
5 cloves of garlic
3 stalks of lemongrass
2 inch of fresh tumeric
1 inch of ginger


Heat up the oil in the wok and stir fry the blended ingredient. Make sure you fry the blended ingredient until it is thoroughly cooked other wise, it wont taste very nice.

Once that's done pour in the cincaluk, tamarind juice, kaffir lime leaves and chillies. Then  let it cook for a while.

Put in the chicken and stir. Cover the wok and let it simmer until chicken is cooked. Once the chicken is cooked, taste if you need to add more salt. Most of the time, I don't need too because the cincaluk I used was very salty on it's own.

Serve with white rice.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Crema Catalana

During my recent trip to Barcelona, a trip to Monseratt  introduced me to "Creme Catalana" I fell in love and was hunting for it every where I go in Barcelona. The french might hate me for this but hands down it beats Creme Brulee. (My opinion)

When I came back to Malaysia, Instead of oogling at all my recent purchases, I googled "Creme Catalana" and OMG, these yummies are so easy to make.

Its meant to be runnier then the Creme Brulee. How it just melts in your mouth with the caramelized sugar top. This will be one of my favorite dessert of all time. Sinful yet so devine.


1/2 cup castor sugar for the creme
4 egg yolks
1 stick of cinnamon
1 TBS of corn starch
2 Cups of Milk
grated rind of a lemon
1/2TS of Vanilla essence (Not in the Recipe)
A pot
4 Small Ramekin

1/4 cup of castor sugar (For the topping)


1. Combine the egg yolks and the 1/2 cup sugar and beat until the colour turns light yellow. ( I Just used a hand whisker)

2. Add the grated lemon rind, Cinnamon stick and the vanilla essence

3. Whisk Milk little by little.

4. Add the cornstarch and whisk.

5. Over Medium fire, heat the mixture constantly. Just until thickened. Remove from pot immediately.

As soon as the mixture thickens, you will feel resistance while stirring, Remove the pot from the fire or your mixture will curdle. The texture of the crema should be smooth and creamy.

6. Remove the cinnamon stick and pour your creme into the ramekin.

7. Cool it over your counter for at least 20 minutes

8. Refrigerate for at least 3 Hours ( You can even make it the day before)

9. Before serving, sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top.

10. Oven toast them for a few minutes to caramelize the sugar on top. ( You can use a blow torch or a broiler to caramelize your sugar.

11. Serve Immediately.